Peer Advisory Council

Where Visionary Minds Converge

As Einstein said, "We can't solve the problems using the same
kind of thinking we used when we created them."

This group is your new source for new thinking.

Learn how we do it and STOP making important decision in a vacuum!


If you have plenty of unbiased and brilliant people to talk to without any conflict of interest when it comes to your business, maybe this group isn't for you.

But if you're like most business owners, you've made some high-impact mistakes without the trusted advice of a peer.

Benefits for the CEO

Risk Mitigation

Discussing challenges and opportunities within Peer Advisory Council allows CEOs to receive feedback and advice, helping them make more informed decisions and mitigate risk.

Peer Learning and Collaboration

CEOs gain diverse perspectives and insights for strategic decision-making. CEOs can tap into the collective wisdom of the group, which leads to more informed and effective decision-making.

Accountability and Goal Setting

CEOs receive accountability and support in achieving personal and professional goals. Regular check-ins and feedback from group members provide a level of accountability that can drive goal attainment.

Strategic Thinking and Problem Solving

Learning from others' successes and failures fosters a collaborative environment that can lead to innovative solutions.

Is a Peer Advisory Council for you?

A Quadrivium Peer Advisory Council is a hand-picked group of 10 to 12 business owners and CEOs who help each other identify and capitalize upon their opportunities and discover insights into their toughest challenges.

Peer members must be 1) from non-competing industries, 2) unbiased, with no conflicts of interest, and 3) committed to confidentiality and accountability.

Each group meets once per month for half a day, and creates deep, trusting relationships that one member described as “the best friends I see only four hours per month.”

You might assume that monthly peer group meetings will pull you away from your business. While that might be physically true, mentally, it’s just the opposite. Connecting with other leaders, you will gain insights that will save you hours, days, and weeks of time wasted on developing or implementing ineffective solutions.

Without question. The intangible value of peace of mind might be the most valuable benefit, but our members have story after story about reduced expenses and increased profits based on their group discussions.

Because no one else will tell you the truth… It’s not that they don’t want to. They simply can’t.

Employees, clients, vendors, family, and friends will never tell you what you really need to know, even if they want to, because they often don’t understand the complexity of what you’re talking about. Plus, they have their own biases and conflicts of interest to cloud their judgment. They simply have a different perspective.

But peers, real peers – people who run a company of a similar size and scope – know exactly what you’re talking about. They share your perspective and have “been there, done that.” Because they speak the same language, yet have their own unique experiences, they bring solutions and insights you never considered, and opportunities you never even conceived.

Proven Effective
time and time again

Trained in Julie's proven methodologies and techniques, Quadrivium Advisors have helped thousands of businesses and executive management teams gain greater clarity and unprecedented growth. Yours could be next.